We have created a Community organizing page . Who's main purpose is to promote all the "GREAT" things associated with Derry !

Which we will incorporate with our production of .....DERRY IS GREAT TV !! Which will be a " LIVE " show . Encompassed with a variety of 10-15 min segments . Covering a variety of topics . Veterans involvement in NH .Local area businesses will be showcased each showing. Also a " How to" segment which viewers can email in various questions about how to do various do it yourself projects around your home .Another segment dedicated to understanding our local government . This segment will be influenced by viewers questions also .Do you need a permit to put up a fence ect .

We would like to bring as Much attention and consideration to the Volunteer organizations Food pantries Clothing pantries . Church suppers Community groups .Boys and girls club . Boys and Girl Scout organizations and sooooo much more !

If you have a community group or small business ? Please follow our FB PAGE DERRY IS GREAT ! Feel free to promote as you see fit your community .Volunteer group or small business . Help us help you show everyone . Why Derry is a GREAT place to live work volunteer and let's not forget play !!

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