The ideal cottage for mr.v The Cost of My Cottage

OK, I will go up side down and let you see my final product before seeing the process

Bird View + Roof
Front + Back
Front Left + Front Right

After you saw the product lets start with the process. I was told the biggest the cottage could be is 100 meters squared so I made the cottage 10mX10m. This is the first BluePrint from birds eye view:

Birds Front View

Then I did the Front view and Right Side View BluePrints

And then I started the final product that you saw at the beginning of the presentation.

But that wasn't it, I also had to tell Mr. V's family how much would it cost to paint it

60 euros

And the cost of changing the roof

And the cost of heating the house in winter

1822.5 euros

In the end Mr. V's family will need to pay a total of 2962.5 euros. Which includes the roof's cost, 1080 euros. The heating cost, 1822.5 euros, for the cold winter. And lastly, the celestial blue paint cost, 60 euros. This seems like a reasonable amount for a place that will have a lot of years of good memories.

Created By
Ella Yovel


Created with images by tpsdave - "italy sunset dusk"

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