Art Project Huma 1315

This picture was taken by me at swaminarayan temple at Fannett,Tx.

It looks like flower. This picture was taken by me at BAPS Swaminarayan Temple at houston,Tx. This was made in Diwali festival. In this decoration a lot of vegetables is used like tomotoes,eggplant,bitter gourd, bell peppers, cauliflower, sweet potato etc.

This picture was taken by me at BAPS Swaminarayan Temple at houston,Tx. This was made in Diwali festival.In this decoration a lot of vegetables is used like tomotoes,eggplant,bitter gourd, bell peppers, cauliflower, chilli, lemon, carrot, spinach etc.

This picture was taken by me at BAPS Swaminarayan Temple at houston,Tx. This was made in Diwali festival.In this decoration a lot of vegetables is used like tomotoes,eggplant,bitter gourd, bell peppers, cauliflower, sweet potato, cabbage,banana etc.

It looks like palm tree. This picture was taken by me at BAPS Swaminarayan Temple at houston,Tx. This was made in Diwali festival.In this decoration a lot of vegetables is used like tomotoes,eggplant,cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, etc.

it looks like peacock. This picture was taken by me at BAPS Swaminarayan Temple at houston,Tx. This was made in Diwali festival.In this decoration a lot of vegetables is used like tomotoes,eggplant,bitter gourd, cauliflower, green peas,spinach, etc.

It looks like brinjal.In this decoration a lot of vegetables is used like eggplant and chilies.

Thank You For Your Time.

Created By
Deran Patel



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