Gender Equality By Jose Balderas

Is The unfair treatment based on their gender

Women are getting less payed and gets help even if they don't need to.It's unfair that some jobs or events depends on it's gender,Ex:Boys wanted.Out of the 70 percent of the homeless are women since they don't get paid more or they don't have a education.

50 years ago women did not have rights to have a good job,credit card, and vote.There are some issues right now for women like D.T abuse or men call women weaklings.

Maybe 50 years later,both genders will have equal rights and we can be peaceful together.

The equal gender activists like Susan Anthony and Malala fought for women's equal rights and women will keep fighting until they reach their goal.

I can help as a young student by showing the capability of women to show they can also help a lot.


Created with images by HNDPTESBC - "palm hand finger" • Thomas Rousing Photography - "FE+MALE" • bones64 - "women's march sign child" • HNDPTESBC - "hand finger nail" • HNDPTESBC - "palm hand finger"

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