Birthday Budget Activity BY: Callan teta


Main Meal: Sirloin, Ribs, Tortilla chips, Pita chips, Lemonade, Hawaiian rolls, and a fruit salad with grapes, blackberries, cantaloupe, and strawberries.

Dessert: Pastries, Muffins, and Popsicle's


I am inviting 8 friends Joey, Owen K, Owen S, Jake, Dominic, Josiah, Colin, and Christian

For the party we are going to go to go to APEX with this free pass thing at open gym.

Total Cost

My Budget was $95 and I spent $94.65


Created with images by cbaquiran - "birthday cake cake birthday" • Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas - "Frutas e Vegetais" • hugorouffiac - "disintegration parkour urban" • frankieleon - "Got something to say?"

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