Light It's everyhere

The art within the library reflecting off of the table causes a nice effect making it difficult to tell where the art and reflection both begin.
Even up close, the stained glass causes the light shining through to look different from every angle.
The table even reflected the chandelier from above so nicely that at first glance it doesn't look like a reflection.
Getting the light reflection to the right where I wanted it was a pain, but once I got it I feel as though it gives purpose to the right side of the photo.
Our mascot, The Boxer, is lit up from the front every night, but isn't from the back. Causing a nice back-lit Boxer.
Before 10pm and after the sunsets, Gilbert hall shines bright on the edge of campus.
Outside of Gilbert there are many lights on the floor, causing a nice reflection on the water on the pavement. The same thing applies to the cars headlights in the background.
right outside of McCormick is University Ave. with many streetlights and inside of McCormick are many students keeping their lights on late into the night (hopefully doing Schoolwork).
Even Knight Hall has some lights on late into the night.
Leaving Gilbert hall after a little rain is one of the nicest sights I've seen on campus.
Leaving Gilbert hall after some snow is the prettiest scene I've seen on campus.
A simple reflection from my lamp distorts my room to a point where it's hard to tell what I have on my wall.
Sometimes a simple light bulb makes a nice photo. Other times, a dirty light bulb tells me I need to clean more often.
My disco light is fun to turn on while taking a gaming break and fun to turn off after causing a nice headache.
As the water overflowed out of the pipe, it reflected the street lights in rebellion.
Even just pavement and a shadow can look good after a little rain.
Outside of the library, the Tom Milles Theater is easy to see straight through with light shining out of it.
Before it snowed, the rain on the rail outside of McCormick froze and reflected the light.
Another piece of art from the library has a light shining down straight onto it causing an almost perfect circular shadow.

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