The Magic of Color By: Margaux Bouret

What would the world be without color?

Without the colors that make up the world

That bring out something special in everyone


Without the red sunsets

That bring calmness and peace

Or the magnificent roses

That bring such happiness

The red cherries that welcome the new season


What about the orange path left by the elegant leaves

The glistening sunlight on the beautiful flowers

Or the color of your new shoes

Welcoming you to your day


A world without yellow making you dive into obscurity

No more stars shining so bright

That have come to deliver you a message

The yellow street lamps beaming against the black dark night

The yellow flames giving a unique glow to the room


Without the scattered footprints left in the snow

Made by children playing a new game of tag

And the white unique snowflakes dancing as they fall

The new sheet of paper

Waiting to tell a story


Colors bring joy and happiness

To this ordinary world

Colors makes this plain world

Stand out and become something special

Created with images by Free Grunge Textures - - "World Map - Abstract Acrylic"

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