Choir At St. George's by the river

It has been stated that music directed to God has, as a byproduct, the power to elevate the emotions of those who offer it or hear it. Building on and perpetuating the Episcopal Church's rich liturgical and singing tradition and bringing deeper meaning and beauty to our worship, the St. George's Choir is comprised of wonderfully warm and inviting adults and participates in leading weekly worship, as well as in evensongs and special services throughout the year.

This dedicated group rehearses from 7:00 to 8:30 each Thursday evening. All parishioners are welcome to join this ensemble.

Although previous singing experience and the ability to read music is much appreciated, it is not necessary for participation.

For more information, please feel free to contact our music director, Philip Leininger, at or 973.735.1705

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St. George's by the River Episcopal Church

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