Shayna Davis Digital PHOTOGRAPHY 1, 4th period

This photo was from the vignetting assignment back in October, The point was to try and blur around the main object in the photo (The alien).
I took this photo for a photo challenge called "A composition masterpiece" I used Photoshop to make the water look as if it's running differently.
This is my favorite photo that I've taken and it was for the "Song lyric" challenge but i liked it better without the lyrics, It just has a warm feel to it in my opinion.
This was the food photo, The most recent one. You were suppose to make the food look appealing and apply a good amount of depth of field.
This was taken for the Composition photo that you had to have 4 rules involved.

I make my art because it's about everything I like, Not what the people around me like. If you're taking pictures of something that you don't enjoy then you aren't feeling you're art so to speak. What inspires me is knowing that there is a chance others will look at what I've created and take away the same kind of enjoyment from a simple photo. My art represents what "I" like and enjoy, what is beautiful to me. When you go out and find something that speaks to you no one else is going to tell you why you captured it in the way you did, It means more then just being a picture it shows your'e creativity.

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