Dreamtime title Sequence Storyboard Jack Johnson 16606685

so the photo above is how imagine my first scene to be. my protagonist will be walking through with a very worried expression on his face, there will also be one of the name credits traveling from let to right on the screen. this will then transition into into my second scene

this scene will be introduced via a zoom in and zoom out transition. my protagonist will now find himself in a car driving past buildings like the image above.

the image below gives a feeling of how I want my building to be represented

the image below is very similar to the car I will be using. and the one below describes how I imagine my character is shown

from this I will zoom in and out again with the zoom out revealing my characters face, his name will then appear above, then followed by the title. these will be quite long scenes so my final scene will be short. this is an example of what I am trying to show

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