Feed Particle Size Animal Science

Feed Costs

Feed costs represent 75-80% of the cost of production for finishing.

With increase of feed costs, it is important to look at feed efficiency

Feed Efficiency

Can be influenced by:

  • Genotype
  • Market Weight
  • Animals sex (male or female)
  • Feed type (Mash, Pelleted, Bulk)
  • Feeder adjustment
  • Pen Space allowance
  • Diet composition (Fat, Fiber, etc.)

Feed Processing Questions

You will need to answer these questions in a google document and email them to Ms. Poet.

  1. What is feed particle size (FPS)?
  2. How is FPS determined?
  3. How does FPS impact feed efficiency and nutrient utilization?
  4. How is feed reduced in size? What machines are used?
  5. What is the difference between the hammer mill and roller mill?
  6. What are the effects of my FPS being too small for a certain species?**

**For question #6, go to the next slide for further instructions.

Question #6

You will be doing research on two animals and answering #6 along with the following questions?

  1. What are some cons of feed particles if they are the wrong size (too big, too small)?
  2. What is the most efficient size of feed particles for that species to get the most from the feed?
  3. Provide a data table produced by a university or educational website to explain these results.
  4. Cite the websites you used to answer these questions.

Pick two animals to research FPS

Below are links to get you started. You will need at least one more additional site to turn in on your Google Doc.

Created By
Ms. Poet


Created with images by UnitedSoybeanBoard - "Cattle Feeding" • Vijayanarasimha - "maize corn indian corn" • KSRE Photo - "Muddy Calf" • Ryan Lea - "The Crop." • tpsdave - "turkey farm turkeys farm" • skeeze - "cows cattle dairy"

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