Candor Community by: allie morris

In the Candor Community, Everyone gets equal share and fair trade.

In the Candor community everyone has equal share, there is no one with more or less things then the other. Everyone receives the same amount of money and same size of property. You are able to receive up to 6 children. Everyone is equal and treated the exact same.


1-Everyone will wake up at 8:45 in mornings and attend schooling or work at 10:00

2-everyone must eat all 3 meals of the day, everyone receives the same food at the same hour and has the same amount.

3-every family can only spend up to $300 per day, no more.

4-everyone only gets to earn $500 a day.

5-everyone receives one apartment depending on how many children you decide to take in.

6-You are only aloud to have 5 of everything. (shoes, shirts, pants, coats, cars, etc.)

7-You can only get up to 10 gifts for each holiday.

8-Always respect community and be grateful for the candor.

9-respect others around you, everyone is equal.

10-Be well educated and attend everything as you are instructed, or a punishment will happen.

A normal day here in Candor Community is.... Wake up at 8:45, go to schooling/work at 10:00, at 3:30 everyone makes their way back home, 4:45 you go down to the bank to collect your daily money and when done you can do your shopping time. 5:30 is family time where you can play games or talk about your highs and lows. 6:00-7:00, dinner. 9:00 everyone needs to go to bed.

The government type is an anarchy. This will make it so there is no queen or king. We can rule together and elect very few just to make sure everyone is obeying rules and staying safe.

Come and join us! Everything is fair. No more people who have more or think they are better then other. Come and help our community be balanced.


Created with images by montgomster - "scales of justice weigh in antique"

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