Do Non-Violent protests work? And what are Marches?

There are many famous marches in history. Why and how do they work? Let's take a few looks at how some of the most famous marches changed the world.

Many marches are lead by certain people, certain leaders, who can be the "poster boy" for the cause. An example of this is Gandhi, and Martian Luther King Jr.

Here's some examples of what the Civil Rights Movement marches looked like. Often times they were loud and powerful.

Here are some examples of the most famous marches in Civil Rights Movement History.

The March On Washington

More than 200,000 Americans gathered in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. This was for a political rally known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Organized by a number of civil rights groups, the event was to let everyone know the political and social challenges African Americans continued to face across the country. The march, which became a key moment in the growing struggle for civil rights in the United States, culminated in Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, a spirited call for racial justice and equality.

This was lead by Martian Luther King Jr.

The march from Selma to Montgomery

Martin Luther King, and other leaders, led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the of capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, after a 5-day, 54-mile march from Selma. This was on the 25 of March, 1965

Another example:

Birmingham Campaign

In the spring of 1963, activists in Birmingham, Alabama launched Project C, better known as The Birmingham Campaign. The peaceful demonstrations would be met with violent attacks using high-pressure fire hoses and police dogs on men, women and children alike -- producing some of the most iconic and troubling images of the Civil Rights Movement. It is considered one of the major turning points in the Civil Rights Movement and the "beginning of the end."

Example of the horrible things done to innocent people.

Another example:

The Salt march

The Salt March, which took place from March to April 1930 in India, led by Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) to protest British rule in India, they drew salt from the ocean, which was illegall.

This was lead by:


Now let's take a look at some of the people who forced this change, Dr. Harold Middlebrook

"We can no longer accept second rate citizenship."

"We wanted to directly say to the president, we want change"

"We were motivating anybody we knew to raise money for people to attend the march on Washington."

"We knew the march on Washington was going to change everything."

"History may not record our names, but they will recorded the history that we all made."

MLA citations:

“PBS.” PBS, PBS, Staff. “March on Washington.”, A&E Television Networks, 2009,

“Infoplease.” Infoplease, Infoplease, Staff. “Salt March.”, A&E Television Networks, 2010,

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