'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' Georgia STREET

The dance “Hit me with your best shot” from the film “Rock of Ages” is an amazing piece choreographed by Mia Michaels in 2012. The choreographic intent shows Patricia Whitmore and the step ford wife’s fighting against Stacee Jaxx and the Rock n Rollers. The movement elements space and energy and the non-movement elements costume and set were really effective and showed the meaning of this dance clearly.

"Breaking little hearts like the one in me"

.The movement elements in this dance were amazing and matched the choreographic intent perfectly. The spacing in the dance ‘Hit Me with Your Best Shot’ started in a triangle at the back of a church, with Patricia Whitmore the leader at the front and the other Stepford wives behind her. They travelled down the centre of the church while dancing, then they spilt into the church pews while kicking and dropping, which showed fierceness. The energy used was fast, strong and fierce which showed that the Stepford wives are serious and hate rock n roll by putting fists and gun movements up at the picture of Stacee Jaxx on the wall. There was also slow and softer movements when they walk down the middle. High levels and low levels were also used a lot throughout this dance. The space and energy used were extremely effective and showed the choreographic intent well.

'Where Gonna Be The Ones To Do It'

The non-movement elements were fantastic in this dance. The costuming was made to look like it is from the 1980’s which showed the choreographic intent excellently. They wore coloured button up shirts, long pants, skirts, high level shoes and they had big puffy fringes, which displayed that they are prim and proper women and strongly dislike rock n roll. They use aggressive and passionate facial expressions to show their hate for Stacee Jaxx and the Rock n rollers. The set of the scene was in a church again showing they are very formal women. As the Stepford wives performed, the mayor who is Patricia’s husband was having an affair with another women in another room. The costume and set were really effective in this dance and showed the choreographic intent.

'Stacee Jaxx Is The Filth'

In conclusion, Mia Michaels choreographed this fantastic Musical theatre piece in 2012 in the movie Rock of Ages. The movement and non-movement elements set, costume, space and energy really brought this dance together and demonstrated the choreographic intent which was the step ford wives fighting against Stacee Jaxx and rock n rollers. This dance was extremely entertaining and the choreography was really enjoyable to watch. Overall, this performance was spectacular.

'Put Up Your Deuce Lets Get Down To it'

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