
请君入瓮,国会议员变“有用的白痴” 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:The Scottish Sun《苏格兰太阳报》;作者:Jon Rogers ,7 Jul 2020, 2020年7月7日



有报道说前M16 间谍斯蒂尔和他的公司奥比斯制作了一份名为《中共国精英占领》的报告。其中揭露了中共和华为在通过英国笼络知名人士让他们成为“有用的白痴”。中共通过BGY渗透外国高层被爆料革命曝光后已经引起了各界的关注。文中提及的报告就是又一个强有力的证明。虽然,被报告提及的英国政要都否认了收到来自华为的笼络。但是英国在1月份顶着压力,不顾来自美国的善意警告决定让华为参与英国的5G建设,这不能说与华为在英国高层的运作没有关联。幸运的是,在中共病毒成功攻入唐宁街和白金汉宫后,英国对华为的态度已经有了180度的转变:鲍里斯•约翰逊计划在2023年之前让华为退出英国5G网络建设。中国大使刘晓明为此竟然公然警告英国说,如果英国停止对华为的投资,将要承担后果。



A FORMER MI6 spy’s dossier has accused China and Huawei of running a “covert campaign” to target MPs and turn them into “useful idiots”.


The report was financed by a US film producer Andrew Duncan who hired Christopher Steele and his company Orbis Business Intelligence to help with the report.

该报告由美国电影制片人安德鲁•邓肯(Andrew Duncan)出资,聘请克里斯托弗•斯蒂尔(Christopher Steele)和他的奥比斯商业智能(Orbis Business Intelligence) 公司协助撰写。

Christopher Steele was previously a senior MI6 spy 克里斯托弗·斯蒂尔曾是军情六处的高级间谍

The report, called China's Elite Capture, is said to allege that fake radio stations, based abroad, were set up and senior figures invited on to panel discussions and interviews with the aim of encouraging them to support Huawei and even join its board.


It is also alleged social media was used to try to change people's opinions.


The dossier names several prominent individuals it claimed had been targeted as part of the pro-Huawei campaign, saying the aim had been to make them China’s "useful idiots".


Huawei denied the claims last night, saying it "refuted these unfounded allegations" which had "no basis in fact". Sources said they believed the company was the victim of a US propaganda campaign to keep it out of the 5G network being built in Britain.

华为昨晚否认了这一说法,称其 "驳斥了这些毫无根据的指控",这些指控 "没有事实依据"。消息人士称,他们认为华为是美国宣传活动的受害者,目的是不让其参与英国正在建设的5G网络。

Among those named are former Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston, who previously chaired the powerful Commons liaison committee.

名单中包括了前保守党议员萨拉•沃拉斯顿(Sarah Wollaston),她曾担任权力很大的下议院联络委员会主席的职务。

She told The Telegraph she had no knowledge of any covert campaign.


Ms Wollaston claimed the only contact with Huawei she could recall was an offer made via an intermediary to sponsor an event to mark the 40th anniversary of the select committee’s system.


She said she rejected the offer.


Ms Wollaston told the paper: “If they tried to influence me, they didn’t get very far.”

沃拉斯顿女士告诉《每日电讯报》: 如果他们曾试图影响过我,那么并没有太大效果。

Huawei has strongly denied the allegations 华为坚决否认这些指控

Another on the list Lord Clement-Jones, a Liberal Democrat peer, said there would have been no need to target him as he sits on Huawei's international advisory board.


He told The Guardian: “My connection to the company is well known. They don’t have to have fake radio shows to reach me as far as I’m concerned. It’s all very baffling. It’s all a fantasy. We are not putty in the hand of manipulators.”


Prime Minister Boris Johnson is thought to be behind plans to remove Huawei from any involvement in building the UK’s 5G network by 2023.

据称,英国首相鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)是2023年之前让华为退出英国5G网络建设的计划的幕后推手。

Sarah Wollaston has denied being targeted by Huawei 莎拉·沃拉斯顿否认被华为锁定为接近目标

The Chinese ambassador Liu Xiaoming warned there would be “consequences” if the UK pulls the plug on Huawei.


Mr Xiamong claimed doing so would dent investor confidence in Britain.


“They are all watching,” he said. “There’s also an element of trust, how could people trust you? I do hope the British government will make the decision in the best interests, not only in China’s interests, not only in the interests of UK-China co-operation, but also in the interests of the UK itself.”


It was claimed Mr Steele and Orbis have contributed less than "ten per cent" to the report with sources close to Mr Steele insisting "it isn’t our report or our work" but that Chinese experts had worked on it.


Boris Johnson is said to be drawing up plans to end Huawei's involvement in Britain's 5G network 据说鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)正在起草计划,终止华为参与英国的5G网络

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】