India By mark Grove

Hindouimsm is one of the worlds oldest religions

Brahman the universal sprit worshiped by Hindus

Re incarnation the reverts of the soul

Karma a forever that decides the form that people will reborn into there next lives

Dharma a persons persanal duty based on the individual place in socity

Buddhism a religion founded in ancient India by religious teacher Buddha

Nirvana a state of perfect happiness and peace

Focus to place al of one's attention on somthing

To carry out or do

Meditate to focus ones thoughts to gain a higher level of sritual awareness


Created with images by LoggaWiggler - "taj mahal mausoleum agra" • Peggy_Marco - "india figures hinduism" • sciencefreak - "beyond death life after death" • Ben_Kerckx - "image buddha meditation"

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