Aspiring Highways Central Otago NOC - Weekly Update

5 December 2016


My inspiration this week comes from a visit with the Contract Board to the Nevis Bluff to learn more about this mega structure and what is required to maintain it. Reece Gibson as Nevis Bluff Manager and our Ops crew have extensive knowledge of the site, quite literally every nook and cranny. So I was very appreciative while perched on the side of the cliff, that they intimately knew the history that has formed every little ledge. I was inspired by their passion for this geological feature and their respect for safety while working around it.

Amazing Journeys - our week on the network

The Contract Board visit to the Nevis Bluff saw the end of a two week Spring Scale of the Bluff, which coincided with the only still and warm day of the two week period. The Nevis Ninjas did a great great, tidying up the cliff face while working in some tough winds.

We also had the Agency RAPT tour on the network with our Asset Management team to confirm our Annual Plan, which i understand went well with not many discrepancies.

While there weren't any significant events this week, our routine crews have been keeping busy with pre-reseal repairs in the Queenstown Lakes area, and Whitestone have completed the Type 5 vegetation (spraying) and are continuing with their second mow and Type 4 vegetation. Cyclic maintenance is continuing well on two man (and lady) crews and are also being kept busy with sign installs and saving Frogs....

Bart to the rescue

Arrive Alive - our week in safety and quality

64 days without injury

Another pleasing week on the safety front, with no notifiable or injury incidents but we need to encourage our staff to keep reporting those near misses.

December is now here so we are busy planning for the holiday period ensuring we have good cover and availability to respond to our customers.

Have a great week and long may this nice warm weather last!

Kelly and the Aspiring Highways Team.

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