Worship @ The Bluff December 11, 2016

Has this ever happened to you? It's December 26, amid the wasteland of boxes, torn wrapping paper overflowing the trash can, a refrigerator filled with left overs, and some long-lost uncle sleeping on your couch, you stop and ask yourself, "Where did Christmas go?". Often times we get so wrapped up in the chaos of Christmas that when its over we find ourselves dazed because it went by so fast.

If you can related then this is the message series for you. During the next 3 weeks we will focus on the merry, meaning, and message of Christmas. We hope you will be here for every service.

We hope you will come be a part of The Bluff this Sunday, 10:27 AM, at the Holiday Inn ballroom, Poplar Bluff.

Here are the songs we will be singing this week:

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