Brazil 'Ordem e Progresso' (Order and Progress)

Brazil is located on the West side of South America, and is by far the biggest country at 8.5 million square kilometers. It is just a little smaller than the USA.

One of Brazil's main cities to visit is Rio de Janeiro. It is where the 2016 Summer Olympics were held, and where the statue, "Christ the Redeemer", is located.

2016 Summer Olympics Logo

Brazil also has a football (soccer) team that everyone that has been to Brazil said that even if you dislike the sport, anyone would enjoy.

One of the most beautiful place people say is Iguaza Falls. It is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

One of the biggest things to go on is the Rio Carnival. It is the biggest carnival in the world, with about 2 million people attend. It is a giant parade/carnival that happens every year before lent. The first carnival dates back to 1723.
Some of the best Brazil foods that many people would recommend is the 5 foods above.
  1. The top left item, Brigadeiros, is a cocoa and milk mixture, with butter added, then rolled in chocolate sprinkles. Basically a chocolate truffle.
  2. The top middle item, Pão de queijo, is a bread ball with cheese inside. It is then fried into a crisp ball. It is often eaten at breakfast time.
  3. The top left item, Quindim, is a sweet made of egg, sugar, butter, and coconut. It is put in a muffin tin and then baked.
  4. The bottom left item is a Fried Bar Snack. It is filled with minced beef, melted cheese, and palm heart. It could almost resemble a Hot Pocket.
  5. The last item, Açaí, is a fruit slush drink. It is made of the açai fruit. It is often bought by Rio surfers, because it could be used for energy.
Here are a few more pictures of Iguazu Falls. This would definitely be one of the places I'd recommend you visit. Nothing in the world could compare to the views you could see here.


Created with images by charlesmackaycm - "christ the redeemer rio de janeiro brazil"

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