Arrogant Journey of seeing the chances of jodIe getting worse and worse in chapter 5

"They bowed down towardhim rather, because he was all of these things, and then again he was all of these things because the town bowed down." This shows that everyone respects Jodie and how is he taking advantage of all the attention, making him believe he is the best and better than everyone else who he interacts with.

"Ah want tuh speak wide de mayor." This quote is in the beginning of chapter 5 where they just arrived in the town and Jodie is already asking to speak to the mayor. This shows that Jodie thinks he is above everyone and think he can do whatever he wants. By asking for the mayor when they first arrived shows how he thinks he can run the town and demand things.

"Well, honey, how yuh lak be in' Mrs Mayor". This quote shows that Jodie likes the attention and is cocky about being the mayor. He talks about it Janie trying to show up and make a big deal about it. This shows he is arrogant because he only cares about himself and his reputation.

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