Essential Rules of Basic Photography Your Name

Add the definition for the category - Declutter the background, zoom in tight to eliminate background "distractions", or change your angle so your subject remains the focus of the image.


ANSWER the following question provided on the handout. Choose one photograph from the category to analyze. Direction of attention? Exposure? Focus? Depth of Field? Lighting? Color? Critique the composition?

Rule of Thirds

Frame your image with the subject off center it's more pleasing to the eye and appears more natural than placing the subject in the center.

Rule of Thirds

ANSWER the following question provided on the handout. Choose one photograph from the category to analyze. Direction of attention? Exposure? Focus? Depth of Field? Lighting? Color? Critique the composition?

Rule of Thirds

ANSWER the following question provided on the handout. Choose one photograph from the category to analyze. Direction of attention? Exposure? Focus? Depth of Field? Lighting? Color? Critique the composition?

Leading Lines

Use architectural lines - walls, fences, roads, or any lines to lead the eye through the photograph and draw attention toward the main subject.

ANSWER the following question provided on the handout. Choose one photograph from the category to analyze. Direction of attention? Exposure? Focus? Depth of Field? Lighting? Color? Critique the composition?


Create a sense of movement by adding active space (the area your subject is facing) and eliminating dead space (the area behind your subject).

ANSWER the following question provided on the handout. Choose one photograph from the category to analyze. Direction of attention? Exposure? Focus? Depth of Field? Lighting? Color? Critique the composition?

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