Norman Taylor ED 202 ePortfolio, Fall 2016

Part one: About Me

Introduction: Hello! I am Norman Taylor, a Secondary Education in Social Studies major at LSU-Shreveport. I plan on pursuing a lucrative career in teaching at the high school level, preferably with Juniors and Seniors.I just want to make a difference in as many students’ lives as humanly possible.

My Educational Philosophy: I truly believe that every student is an individual and I will treat them that way. I believe every child has the potential to be whatever they would like to be and it is my duty as their teacher to help them a huge their goals and guide them in the right direction with my expertise.

My Educational Technology Philosophy: Times are changing and so are the generations of students. In order to teach each student effectively, technology must play a critical role. With technology in the classroom, learners have the opportunity to advance in subjects and lessons far more successfully and quickly than even ten years ago. Technology offers a better chance at excellence for students.

Part two: Evidence of ISTE Standards for Teacher Standards

Evidence of ISTE Standards for Teacher Standard One: Facilitate & Inspire Learning & Creativity

Artifact: Makerspace

Reflection: When tallying up the number of tools and resources that we would be able to use for our Makerspace inside our classroom, we found that with the Makerspace, the learners will be able to do more than one thing at a time. Having the makerspace along with different stations that multiple students can access, promotes creativity and inspires learners because instead of sitting down and being told what to do, the students can be hands-on and in control of their own assignments.

Evidence of ISTE Standards for Teacher Standard Two: Design & Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences & Assessments

Artifact: Makemakeys

Reflection: While creating the makemakeys, and designing them for the learners, you get humbled because you want to design something that will not deter students from wanting to learn. You want to make something that will grasp their attention and also create something that the learners won't get bored with easily. These makemakeys are a prime example of what design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments are all about.

Evidence of ISTE Standards for Teacher Standard Three: Model Digital Age Work & Learning

Artifact: Digital Literacy Newsletter

Reflection: While creating the digital literacy newsletter, I didn't see how it could be incorporated into the teacher standards. After reflecting on it, I see that by sending a link of the newsletter out to parents, students, faculty, and other members of the school community, they can gain a lot of information by knowing what's going on in your classroom and keeping up with what rules and regulations are to. E followed while online in a classroom setting.

Evidence of ISTE Standards for Teacher Standard Four: Promote & Model Digital Citizenship & Learning

Artifact: Barcode Scavenger Hunt

Reflection: During the barcode scavenger hunt, it sort of forced everyone in a group to choose a role. Instead of one person doing all of the work, it was made to where all members could participate and actually have fun. The scavenger hunt allowed us to use most of our five senses and promoted problem solving and critical thinking. The scavenger hunt does a great job of promoting digital citizenship and learning.

Evidence of ISTE Standards for Teacher Standard Five: Engage in Professional Growth & Leadership

Artifact: iMovie Content Trailer

Reflection: During the making of our iMovie Content Trailer, one of us had to take the role of the leader in constructing and including each other's ideas and incorporating them into our assignment. I feel like this assignment is the prime example of helping students engage in professional growth & leadership because whether the meaner is leading or following, it teaches them how to be professional and allows them to grow as a learner by taking in the role they may inherit as the leader is chosen.

Created By
Norman Taylor


Created with images by mypubliclands - "March #conservationlands15 Social Media Takeover: Visit New Mexico Wilderness for a Step back in Time at Bisti-De-Na-ZinWilderness and Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area"

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