
6 Types of Empaths www.spiritualgangstertribe.com


You feel and perceive the emotional energy of others, you are a 'feeler', and your sacral chakra may be on overdrive (manifesting in lower back or kidney issues at times).

Roughly 80-90 percent of empaths.


You feel the physical sensations (including chakras) of other people.

May be associated with autoimmune conditions and adrenal fatigue in some.

Roughly 30-40 percent of empaths. These are sometimes called 'healing' empaths because you sponge energy more than other types of empaths - and can transmute energy through your body.


You experience extraordinary perceptions such as heightened intuition, telepathy, messages in dreams, as well as contact with the Other side.

The follow includes the different types and how they function:

  • Telepathic – receive intuitive information about others in present time.
  • Precognitive – have premonitions about the future while awake or dreaming.
  • Dream – are avid dreamers and can receive intuitive information from dreams that helps others and guides them in their own lives.
  • Mediumship – can access spirits on the Other side.


You can sense the movements and health of Mother Earth, including an ability to perhaps dream about earthquakes or know when they are coming.

Deeply in tune with nature, and with perhaps some interest in shamanism and indigenous healing techniques.

Also perhaps a fascination with thunderstorms/lightening.

Animal Empath

You are deeply in tune with the feelings and energy of animals, including energies of animals that many ignore (foxes, spiders, etc).

I would recommended to work with Colette Baron-Reid’s Spirit Animal Oracle cards on a daily basis.

Let's connect

Thank you for reading this. Stay tuned for more Empath blogs, strategies and my open journal where I share the pain and pleasures of being an Empath.

Of course, most of us are more than one. But if we learn to care for ourselves properly, by putting in boundaries, we are very powerful and create much change in the world.

We are the healers of the planet and we have come here to raise the consciousness.

Created By
Jade Griffin


Created with images by FlashBuddy - "girls women happy" • Briana Tozour - "untitled image" • AlexKlen - "background power darkness" • Dlee - "fantasy castle cloud" • JillWellington - "pretty woman young female" • cocoparisienne - "dove bird animal"

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