Donald Trump Before, During and after the Presidential bid

Donald Trump is a very successful businessman. He graduated college in 1964 from the New York Millitary Academy and again from the University of Pennsylvania, gaining a degree in economics.

Trump took over his fathers real estate business in the 1970's, establishing himself as a very important individual.

He bought out companies around the whole of America, expanding the family business and changing the business name from Elizabeth Trump & Co to The Trump Organization.

In 2004, Donald Trump increased his reputation by becoming the producer and star of the television series 'The Apprentice'. His catchphase of "Your Fired!" became popular on a global scale, with everyone referring to him when they would hear it.

He always tries to show his authority over people, including the spin off show of 'The Celebrity Apprentice' where he would gain power in the viewers eyes when he would tell a celebrity they were fired.

Donald Trump is also known as an arrogant, pompous businessman, with his social media accounts adding fuel to these associated names.

Donald Trump posts on his Twitter account about whatever he wants and whatever he feels. His views are not always correct in the eyes of most people.

Tweets including:

  • "I've never seen a skinny person drinking Diet Coke."
  • "@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision."

In 2015, Donald Trump entered the presidential election campaign. He was in the race for 17 months, more than the average run campaign of 7 months.

His views were "To Make America Great Again."

His main rival in the election, would be Democratic politician, Hiullary Clinton.

During the election campaign, Donald Trump was being talked about alot, mainly on social media.

The most talked about points were:

  • Building a wall between Mexico and the USA.
  • Views on Immigration

Before the final day, nobody thought Donald Trump had a chance of becoming the 45th President of The United States of America.

Social media errupted after hearing the news as most people became scared of what this very powerful man could do.

Instead, Trump congratulated Hillary Clinton and instantly brought stability to the nation, calming everyone down before he makes any decisions.

Donald Trump has taken a step back on most of what he said during the election. He has ensured that some policies will remain, but others may be harder to ensure than expected.

His online presence however, has still remained at the top of its game as more and more people are mentioning him in their social media comments.


Created with images by marcn - "Donald Trump"

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