Monaco Ville de la richesse

Monaco is a world inside of a world, like a snow-globe, if you may. Upon entrance you are no longer in any European country, you are in THE European country to be. Perhaps a quarter of heaven planted on Earth, or the closest some will get in this life. You'll fall in love with Monaco without hesitation, with it's lavish streets and deep blue ocean. Monaco will seduce you with it's natural beauty, lure you with its flashy yachts and extravagant resorts. As you're enticed to the beauties and sights, you'll be left wanting the 200 hectares to yourself.

Monte Carlo casino

A great representation of the wealth of Monaco. You won't find any casino like this in the play-pen of Las Vegas. It's located in a very popular and the wealthiest part of town. It stands tall, as one of the most notable icons of Monaco. Inside awaits chance at fortunes only had by the rich and famous of the world.

Prince's Palace of Monaco

One of the beginnings of Principality, embraces the royalty of Monaco with it's beautifully ornate exterior. First made as a fortress and since then has had a long and fascinating history ending with it's transformation to home and palace. Built and designed with blends of styles over the years, such as renaissance era, medieval touches, and inspiration from Versailles.

Opéra de Monte-Carlo

The Opéra house of Monte-Carlo is a part of the casino and is yet another stunning example of French design and beautifully ornate architecture. The theatre was not originally made for opera, but they saw the use it had so it was later remodeled to help suit the purpose of Opera. Just gazing at the theatre is a mesmerizing show in itself. Though it takes a certain taste for sophisticated acts such as opera, it is for the most part, important to the culture of Monaco and it's people.

Created By
Nicolas Pinzon


Created with images by malasoca - "monaco french riviera france"

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