Art Porfolio By: emilia quispe

I'm Emilia Quispe, this is my first time in high school art. In the future I want to go to college and be nurse. This class was really fun because it let me express myself in some way or another. Since the semester began I had a good experience in this class, it help me learn more about arts.

This are some exercise we did to practice value, contour lines, and how to draw based on what we see and not what we think.
This assignment focuses on positive and negative space. In this assignment one half of the drawing had to have negative and positive space and the other half had to have details with value, lines, and shape.
Before After The before drawing was an assignment that I did at the beginning of the semester. The after drawing was an assignment that I did in the middle of the semester. As you can see the after picture has more value, negative and positive space and it looks more realistic.
This assignment focused on value, shape, and contour lines. Before we started this assignment we did some exercise to make sure we put the parts of the face in the correct spot.
This assignment was focused of value. This assignment consisted in creating value by doing dots nearly each other or far rom each other.
This assignment was focused on value, shape, line and more elements. This assignment consisted on us the students looking at things that were set on the middle of the room and drawing what we see.
This assignment was mainly focused on texture and value. The assignment consisted in creating value by scratching the board and putting the highlights and dark spots.
This is my 2 point perspective assignment, it focused on value, line, and space. The value was mainly to create more realistic drawing.
Before After The before assignment was made at the beginning of the semester. The after assignment was one of the last and it focused on value. Like you can see, the after picture it's more realistic because I added value.
This is the last assignment in the semester. This assignment was based on value, shape, line.

Some of the challenges I found while doing this assignments was, how to use value correctly, and drawing what I saw not what I thought it will look like. Some others challenges were the ability to make my drawings more realistic; however those challenges made me put more effort in my drawings and enjoy drawing more. Before school started art for me was boring, not and not interesting; however now that the semester is gonna end, I view this class and art, as exited, fun and interesting.overall, this 1st Period class was fun and interesting, im Really thankful for this class and Mrs. Kemppainen for believing on my skills and supporting me during this semester.

Created By
Emilia Quispe

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