The White tip reef shark lives in the coral reefs along the coast line

As you can see from this graph it is showing you that the White tip reef shark lives on the coast of a few countries and doesn't live in the really deep water

The White tip reef shark is a non-aggressive shark, although they will get aggressive if they feel threatened. The White tip reef shark doesn't grow very large like the common great white shark.

The dangers of the White tip reef shark are that it can get aggressive when threatened. And that it will not hesitate to bite you. Reef sharks are being put in tanks in marine spcenters for science

White tip reef shark swimming in a coral reef.

This diagram of a White tip reef shark shows you some of the features it has to offer.It dalso shows you that the White tip reef shark has a very small mouth. It also shows you that it's dorsal fin lines up with the top of the tale.

The amount of time people have been attacked by the White tip reef shark has been many times it it is uncertain on how many time people have been attached by these dangerous animals.

A strategy to minimise the attacks of the White tip reef shark are that we can stop Swimming where they live.

Over the 218 years for which records were available, there have been 592 recorded unprovoked incidents in Australian waters, comprising 178

If dangerous animals keep being annoyed they will continue to attack humans and if that happens it will become their natural ability to instantly attack an innocent human

Created By
Jaiden Thompson

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