The StARTers PrOmoting street musicians

Important points

  • Costumer
  • Audience
  • Needs
  • Reasons why we created the page
  • How it works

Our senario / story

  1. There is a street artist.
  2. He wants to expand his audience.
  3. He searches at the internet and finds our webpage.
  4. Contact with us.
  5. We advertise him and his music.
  6. He becomes more popular and has the chance to interact and collaborate with other street musicians.

Customer problem that we solve

Street musicians have a small audience and it is more difficult for them to advertise themselves and let people know where and when they play their music.

We create an art community for them , to advertise and connect them.

Our product

Facebook page , site , twitter account

Our users

  • Street artists
  • Music lovers in general
  • Managers
  • Music producers

Our costumers

Street musician

Street artists

Ways to use the site

  • We search for street artists that we love , let them know about the site and advertise them. OR
  • The musicians find us on the internet and ask the stARTers team to join the community.


Our competitors are advertising companies.

Our biggest advantage is free cost.

Our startup is a non profit one.

We only use sponsorships.


  • Street art must remain at the street. Due to their unique style of art we have to advertise them without taking them away of the streets.
  • Street artists are a small costumer audience and it is more difficult for us to make our project known to them.


Are you a street musician and you are interested in advertising your work?

Or, you just love music and want to explore a community full of new unknown musicians?

StARTers is the choice for you!

Our team

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