
1. Formally part of the Ottoman Empire, was occupied by the United Kingdom during the course of World War l. Attained its independence as a kingdom in 1932. Serious of strong men ruled the country until 2003 the last was Saddam Husayn. In August 1990, Iraq seized Kuwait but was expelled by US-led UN coalition forces during the Gulf War of January-February 1991.

2. Population: 38,146,024 Rank:37

3. GDP Real growth rate: 10.3% (2016) Comparison: 2 Per Capita: 16500 (2016) Comparison: 101

4. Unemployment: 16% Rank: 158 (2012)

5. Main industries: petroleum, chemicals, textiles, leather, construction materials, food processing, fertilizer, and metal fabrications.

6. Government type: Federal parliamentary republic- refers to a federation of states with a republican form of government that is, more or less, dependent upon confidence of parliament at the both national and sub national levels.

7. Capital: Baghdab

8. Administrative divisions: 18 govern-orates.

9. Independence: October 3, 1932 from League of nations mandate under British administration.

10. Constitution: several previous; latest adopted by referendum 15 October 2005 (2016)

11. Legal System: mixed legal system of civil and Islamic law

12. Suffrage( voting age): 18 years old

13. Head of state: President Fuad Masum. Cabinet: Councils of Ministers proposed by the prime minster, approved by council representatives. Elections: President is indirectly elected by council representative to serve a 4 year term. Prime minister is nominated by the president and approved by council representative.

14. Legislative branch: Unicameral. 320 members directly elected in multi-seat constituencies by proportional representation vote and 8 seats reserved for minorities; members serve a 4 year term. Elections: Last held on 30 April 2014. Held every years.

15. Judicial Branch: Federal Supreme Court consists of 9 judges. Election: Federal supreme court judges are appointed by higher Juridical council, a 25 member committee of judicial officials that manage the judiciary and prosecutors.

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