Steve jobs Co Founder of Apple

Born in san francisco on february 24, 1955
Attended Homestead high school
13-year-old Steve Jobs calls up Bill Hewlett and gets a summer job at the HP factory
Attended Reed College for two years before dropping out
Went to India to study religion and seek enlightenment
In 1974 Steve gets his first job at video game maker Atari
1975 Jobs joined a group known as the Homebrew Computer Club and meet Steve Wozniak
Raised $1,300 in start up money by selling Jobs microbus and Wozniaks calculator
Co founded apple with steve wozniak
Apple introduced such revolutionary products as the Macbook Air, iPod and iPhone
Steve jobs net worth is $10.2 billion
Jobs Died october 5 in Palo Alto California

I think that Steve Jobs was successful because ever since a young age he loved working with technology and that was his passion he stuck to.

Created By
Hunter Leisey

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