The Louvre is one of the famous museum in France. Located in Paris, The Louvre contains famous work arts like "Mona Lisa" who is actually one of the most visited paint in the world.

Mona Lisa By Leornando Da Vinci

One thing which attracts me about this museum is the architecture.When I was in France, I used to go to The Louvre with my school and just in front on the museum , a lot of people are take pictures near of this original construction shaped like a triangle.

Egyptian Antiquities

For me , Egyptian antiquities is the best part of the Louvre musuem. I awlays liked the history of Egypt. Everything fascinates me about this area of the museum like sculptures or even some interesting objects. My favorites ones are the mummies that they have.

Statue of the god Horus , Thrid intermediate period 1069-664 BC
Great Sphinx of Tanis , Old kingdom c.2600 BC
Mummy of a man BC

With all these sculptures or objects , they put us into the story of Egypt. Even the atmosphere of the musuem make me feel like I'm exploring a pyramid of Egypt.

Created By
Manuela Kalissi Nonga

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