The Globe Theater Angelique Persails - Period 6

The Globe Theater was one of the most iconic theaters in the 1600's. Built in 1599 by the Burbage Brothers. The building featured interesting architecture and held magnificent plays written by William Shakespeare.

Buying The Globe Theater

Quote: "Shakespeare was one of six shareholders who signed the lease for the new site in 1599. He thus became part of the first group of actor-sharers to also be theater owners. Although this arrangement meant considerable financial risk, it also promised to be profitable if the new theater was a success. The Globe proved to be a wise investment, and it remained a home to Shakespeare’s acting company until the religious reformers known as Puritans closed the theaters in 1642, during the English Civil War" (Lander).

Paraphrase: Shakespeare and others invested in the Globe Theater at a risk but were pleased with the success of the theater and Shakespeare started to write plays. It lasted up until the English Civil War closed it down.

My Ideas: The Globe Theater was a risky investment for some but ended up paying off well, turning into a wise investment for those who put their time and money into it.

The Opening

Quote: "Globe Theatre was an early open-air English theater in London. Most of the great English playwright William Shakespeare's plays were first presented at the Globe. The brothers Cuthbert and Richard Burbage constructed the theater in 1599 from the timbers of London's first playhouse, called The Theatre. They erected the Globe in the area known as the Bank side on the south side of the River Thames in the suburb of Southwark. Shakespeare owned a modest percentage of the theater and its operations" (Seidel).

Paraphrase: The theater was built in 1599 by Burbage brothers in London, making it the first. They hired William Shakespeare to write plays for their venue. They had erected The Globe and Shakespeare started to own a good percentage of the theater and controlled certain things.

My Ideas: This was the beginning of The Globe Theater and gives a little bit of the history from when it was built, to who owned it.

The End of The Globe Theater

Quote: "In 1613, the Globe burned down. It was rebuilt on the same foundation and reopened in 1614. The Globe was shut down in 1642 and torn down in 1644. A reconstruction of the theater was completed 200 yards (183 meters) from the original site in 1996, and it officially opened in 1997" (Seidel).

Paraphrase: The Globe Theater burned down in 1613. It was later rebuilt on the same location and reopened a year later. The Globe ended up being shut down in 1642 and the building was destroyed 2 years later. A replica was built in a different location in 1996 and opened in 1997.

My Ideas: This shows a bit of history of The Globe. It shows how it struggled when it burned down, got rebuilt, reopened and closed down and destroyed over the years. And to add, the iconic building was replicated in it's honor.

The Globe Theater Capacity

Quote: "Little is known about the Globe's design except what can be learned from maps and evidence from the plays presented there. The Globe was round or polygonal on the outside and probably round on the inside. The theater may have held as many as 3,000 spectators" (Seidal).

Paraphrase: It is not certain on what The Globe Theater looked liked but it is believed to have been round or polygon shaped. It would have held around 3,000 people in the venue at a time.

My Ideas: The theater held a good amount of people and had it in a circular shape so everyone would have a good view. This is helps ti visualize what the theater may have looked like.

The Wooden O

Quote: "In his play Henry V, Shakespeare called his theater a "wood O." It was large, round (or polygon) building, three stories high, with a large platform stage that projected from one end into a yard open to the sky" (Anderson).

Paraphrase: Shakespeare described the theater looking like a "wooden O". He described it like this because it was large and round. It was also three stories high and had a big stage. The stage featured a continuation to an outdoor stage.

My Ideas: Like the stage, the venue was in a round shape and the building in similar fashion.

The Stage

Quote: "Its stage occupied the open-air space, with a pit in front for standing viewers. The stage was surrounded by several levels of seating" (Seidal).

Paraphrase: The stage at The Globe Theater was an indoor and outdoor stage. It featured a pit for guests who wanted to stand and be close to the stage. As well as the stage was surrounded by seating.

My Ideas: The theater was built to be spectacular, it was built smartly and had good detail.

The man behind the plays

Quote: Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), was an English playwright, poet, and actor. Many people regard him as the world’s greatest dramatist and the finest poet England has ever produced" (Lander).

Paraphrase: William Shakespeare, the man who wrote the plays for The Globe Theater was a poet born on 1564. Many people have given him the title of best playwright and poet since then.

My Ideas: The man behind the iconic plays that's made the globe theater so memorable was Williams Shakespeare.

How Many Plays Did Shakespeare Write?

Quote: "Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays, two major narrative poems, a sequence of sonnets, and several short poems" (Lander).

Paraphrase: Shakespeare had written 39 plays for The Globe Theater over the years. This relates because Shakespeare had written some of the most iconic playwrights for the theater.

My Ideas: This ties into the subject of the globe theater because some of the most well known plays by Shakespeare and in the world were written to be played in the globe theater

The characters

Quote: "Shakespeare used language of startling originality to portray many-sided characters and tell fascinating stories. Critics and readers celebrate him as a great student of human nature. A remarkable group of vivid characters populate his plays. They include rogues and aristocrats, housewives and stuffy teachers, soldiers and generals, shepherds and philosophers. The most successful of these characters create an impression of psychological depth never before seen in English literature" (Lander).

Paraphrase: Shakespeare used an interesting and original way of english to create a unique aspect to his plays. Many of his characters have their own likeness to them and play out the story in various ways with many different characters. Many, even becoming a fan favorite.

My Ideas: Shakespeare used his unique writing to give life to his characters and separate them from other characters and creating a unique and new writing style that many seemed to enjoy.

Phrases Still Used Today

Quote: "Shakespeare's characters, language, and stories are a source of inspiration, quotation, and imitation. Many words and phrases that first appeared in his plays and poems have become part of our everyday speech. Examples include such common words as assassination , bump , eventful , go-between , gloomy , and lonely , as well as such familiar phrases as fair play , a forgone conclusion , and salad days" (Lander).

Paraphrase: Many words and phrases that were once seen as unique when first used in Shakespeare's plays, are now used from day to day.

My Ideas: this connects to the plays and the globe theater because Shakespeare used words in his plays that became a popular attraction at the globe theater that are now used on a daily basis.

Tour Of the Globe Theater


Created with images by pcambraf - "Globe Theatre" • Thomas's Pics - "money" • pcambraf - "Globe Theatre" • jig o'dance - "The Globe Theatre, London" • Kieran Lynam - "Shakespeare's Globe" • lostajy - "The Globe Theatre (Waiting for the Start)" • tpsdave - "theatre stage crowd" • WikiImages - "william shakespeare poet writer" • WikiImages - "hamlet william shakespeare sarah baird" • CircaSassy - "A supplement to the plays of William Shakespeare: comprising the seven dramas, which have been ascribed to his pen, but which are not included with his writings in modern editions .. (1848)" • tonynetone - "William Shakespeare"

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