Unseen Alaskan Wilderness untouched, unspoiled, purity at it's max.

The Yentna River, the escapists ultimate dream. In this remote and isolated section of approximately 100000 acres.

Beautiful Yentna River

One of the main reasons that people all around the world is to live off the grid, be self dependent and to ultimately survive. With plenty of food around such as Salmon, mouse, and assorted wild berries and bulbs just to name a few.

Along with the natural beauties like the endless mountain ranges and northern lights just for your and families delight, these are why we all love the isolated Alaskan Wilderness, and why so many have done and and still do today.


Created with images by skeeze - "aurora borealis northern lights sky" • Photographing Travis - "Alaska Logging Town" • schucke - "salmon fish alaska" • Unsplash - "aurora borealis northern"

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