Welcome to the MMS A project of the Alameda County office of education

Engineering Challenges for Ochoa Middle School

My name is Francisco Nieto, EdTech Program Manager

Today we will explore how stuff works

We will break things and see what is going on inside in order to...

understand how electric current can move physical objects

And how complex electronic systems can work

to help power our lives.

By the end of today, you will design and build your own electro-mechanical system using some basic parts you will harvest yourself.

Let's review today's activities:

1. Introduce the space and review the Community Norms
2. Check what you already know: What is engineering? Electricity? electric current? Where do these things exist?
3. First Challenge: Parts and complexities of the 'Bob'
4. Harvest useful electronic and mechanical components
5. What is a DC Motor and how does it work?
6. What is an electric circuit?
7. Team challenges: Build a new mechanism that solves an engineering challenge.
8. Reflect on our design
9. Clean up and explore makerspace if time allows


Created with images by 1lenore - "Robot" • markusthomasde - "vehicle chrome technology" • cliff1066™ - "Pioneer UAV RQ-2A" • Wesley Fryer - "Electrical Engineering Test Equipment" • wilhei - "electricity voltage light" • c3o - "LED throwies" • AntonOlsen - "Motor-CRW_7180.jpg" • Ananya440 - "robot abstract dolls" • firepile - "Robot" • 1lenore - "Robot" • andreaswierer - "robot soldier action" • andreaswierer - "science fiction action figure robot"

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