Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH Zachary Isler

The Epoch exhibit, was by far the most stunning and interesting exhibit in my opinion. I loved the immersion and feeling of being transported back in time. I also loved the set, as if I am walking on a timeline across millions of years, visually seeing the evolution of hundreds of species. This medium shows just how diverse life is on and was on planet Earth, I learned just how incredibly lucky we are to have life on this planet.

responsibility I believe this exhibit, was definitely a perfect example of what Leopold wants. The sense of reality upon entering the room, you could almost mistake yourself as being outside. As I toured through the museum, especially this exhibit I felt as though I was really seeing a different side of nature that I would not have been able to see through a video or textbook. Mostly children were at the museum and as child are, they were quite quick to admire the beauty and then jump on to the next exhibit. The museum allows guests to interact with nature through both physical contact with the butterfly exhibit and distant admiration of nature with exhibits like the Frogs. I am very staunch conservationist and partake in many online environmental activism events, so I had an ethical responsibility to nature before attending the tour.

The Natural History Museum with its incredible fossil collection allows us, to step out of the ordinary and see exotic, mostly extinct species and how incredibly diverse the universe is. Seeing how insignificant humanity is on the timeline of history, creates a sense of awe and causes the guest to ponder life's very existence.

Entrance of museum-

Frogs exhibit-

Butterfly exhibit-

Created By
zachary ISLER

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