Telling our story interpreting extension programs

"telling our story"

You will hear this as one of the most inportant jobs we do as empoyees for the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Accountability is central to the relevance of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.


Accountability of our program is a high priority for everyone in Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. It allows us to tell our story as well as make corrections in educational programs. Interpreting evaluation results and marketing those results to stakeholders is very important. If the Extension educator does not interpret and market these results, how will the community and stakeholders know the results of the evaluation?

tHE 3 R'S

When interpreting program results, the Extension educator should address the "3 R's".....

What was the RELEVANCE?
What was the RESPONSE to the program?
Present the RESULTS of program.

Answering the "3Rs" provides the stakeholder with sufficient background and evidence of what our programs are, how they are addressed, and what happens as a result of our programs.

Texas A&M AgriLife Service's mission is to provide quality, relevant outreach and continuing education programs and services to the people of Texas.


Created with images by StuSeeger - "Falls County Texas" • wiseleyb - "Texas State Capital" • zqf503 - "corn fields clouds"

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