My cottage for coach V Designing a Cottage and calculating costs.

In the start of this project I had to draw 3 different blue prints. One for the side of the cottage, one for the front of the cottage and the birds eye view of the cottage. The cottage could not be larger than 100 meters squared, So I decided to go with the dimensions 11 meters by 9 meters which means the area of my cottage design is 99 meters squared.

My cottage from the birds eye view.
This is the front View of my cottage.

Next What I had to do was to design a 3-D (3 dimensional) design of my cottage. The website that I used to design my cottage was TinkerCAD. My design on TinkerCAD shows the exterior walls The roof of my cottage and there are holes where the windows would be.

Design of my cottage on TinkerCAD

The next few pictures are pictures of my cottage from different perspectives. These perspective were used to help me figure out my costs for the amount of paint I needed. How much it would cost to put shingles on the roof and heating throughout the winter season.

These are all the perspectives that helped me with the costs.

So far I have shown you my house design now there is one more thing I need to show you which is the costs of the house. I needed to calculate the surface are of the exterior walls, the area of the roof top, and the last but not least the volume of the cottage.

all the costs
Calculations for the front, side 1, and back
Calculations for side 2.
The areas of the roof.
This is the volume of the cottage without the roof.

Finally Mr. V would have to pay 2276.5 euros, combining all the costs which are 40 euros for the paint 900 euros for the roof and 1336.50 euros for the heating. I think this is a reasonable price for a ninety nine square meter cottage. I think that this would be a good cottage to live in.

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