ALS by: Taylor Patterson

In 2009 Lisa was diagnosed with ALS.

She was a wife, worked park time, and had 3 children.

She first noticed something was wrong when her left hand started to lose strength. She went to several doctors but they never figure out exactly what was wrong. She continued on with different types of arm splints and compression sleeves for the next year.

ALS is a difficult disease to diagnose. Through clinical examinations and series of diagnostic tests, ruling out other diseases that mimic ALS, Lisa was finally officially diagnosed almost a year and a half later. Lisa choose to not tell her children about this new discovery.

With in the next year Lisa began to go down hill very quickly. Loosing almost complete control in her left hand and being forced into a wheel chair as the entire left side of her body became difficult to use.

She lived life to the best of her ability, taking care of her children. In 2014 she became bed ridden and was placed on hospice. She requested to be taken off all assistance that she was receiving and she died shortly after.

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