Make Your Spring Magic by Jenn Rodriguez

Spring is fundamentally magical: plants erupt in bloom, bunnies are born, chicks hatch, and we enjoy balmy weather. Want to amp up your magic quotient? We can help!

Start the warm season right by maximizing irrigation efficiency. When those rains stop we'll be back to landscape life support: irrigation. Since we're not out of the woods yet drought-wise, we need to keep on watering as efficiently as possible. An irrigation audit, proposal for repairs and upgrades is the way to start.

Planting: the sooner you can get plants in the ground, the more rain they can soak up. When it comes to watering, Mother Nature is always best. Install now, let your new plants soak up all that good rain, and get off to a great start for summer!

Landscape Lighting: few things are more magical than the difference made by a few well-placed lights. With low-voltage LED lights, the change in your electric bill will be magically smaller too! Increase the safety and romance of your landscape and light it up!

Assessing trees after the severe winter storms is an important step towards ensuring sites are as safe and one of the largest landscape investments - trees; are healthy and properly trimmed.

Did the winter rains point out issues or enhancement needs for this year? Looking for ways to provide for enhanced drainage and reducing damaging runoff can pay off for years to come while delivering an aesthetically pleasing environment.

Contact your Account Manager or Business Development Executive today to maximize your spring magic! or

Editing by Candice Ashley Ray

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