First-Year Experience Monthly Newsletter

The First-Year Experience Newsletter is designed to provide Coker College First-Year Students with tools and resources to be successful during their first year of college. Each issue covers a myriad of topics including study skills, ways to cope with stress, healthy eating in college, upcoming college events, and office spotlights. Have questions? Contact Kendrick Reed at!

March's Healthy Eating Tip of the Month!

The nutrients in fruit are vital for health and maintenance of your body. The potassium in fruit can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Potassium may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss as you age. Next time your in the dining hall, be sure to grab a piece of fruit to compliment any meal! -Tip found in USA Today March 2017 article.

Office Spotlight: Lyn Joyce & The Student Success Center

“As a student success coach, I help students “connect the dots.” That can mean a lot of different things, depending on individual students’ needs. I often meet with students who are struggling with issues like time management, homesickness, study skills, finding a major, or interpersonal relationships—but everyone comes to the Student Success Center for their own reasons. Whatever it is, we work together on a strategy to make the situation better. I also put students in touch with other resources available throughout campus. There are plenty of helpful people and offices at Coker. Students just don’t always know where to find them, so I’m happy to make introductions. My goal is for every student at Coker College to graduate in four years, equipped with the skills they need to be successful in their lives and careers. The material they learn in class is important, but it’s also important to have good decision-making and problem-solving skills, to take responsibility for your actions, and to be able to effectively advocate for yourself. That’s where the Student Success Center comes in.”

About Lyn Joyce

Lyn Joyce has a BA in English from Wofford College and a M.Ed. in higher education and student affairs from USC. She has taught high school English, worked in admissions and college counseling at the Governor’s School for Science and Math, and has volunteered in various schools in the area. She has a daughter in college and a son in high school, so she’s traveling the road to student success 24/7. Want to visit Lyn? Her office is located in LITC room 228. She can be reached by email at

3 surefire tips for managing stress as a first-year college student

1-Get Organized! A lack of organization may lead to an overwhelming level of stress. Utilize online scheduler or a calendar to get organized. It will help you reduce your levels of stress and help you stay on task!

2-Live A Healthy Lifestyle! How you treat your body can contribute to your stress level, one way or another. Get enough sleep at night, eat your fruits and vegetables, and workout periodically. The mind and body are closely connected, so be sure to not disregard the body when dealing with the stress of the mind.

3- Cut Back and Make Time for Fun! Sometimes, no matter how good you are at time management and no matter how organized and healthy you are, you’ll still deal with unhealthy stress. We’re only human. So if you can’t do it all, then don’t. Find a balance between academics and your social life, but be sure to make time for fun!

March's Exercise Move You Can Do in Your Room!


Get into plank position with your forearms on the ground. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders and your hands locked together. Keeping your gaze down, push out through the heels and engage your core to keep your body in a straight line between your head and your heels. Hold for 30 seconds.

Upcoming Events

March 18 @10:00pm- Den Night- Cobra Den

March 20 @7:00pm-Student Success Alumni Panel-LITC 228

March 21 @7:00pm- Sport And Relgion-Davidson Hall

March 26 @8:00pm- Pool Tournament- Cobra Den/Pit

April 1 @10:00pm- Den Night- Cobra Den

April 4-6- Minutes to Success: A Financial Aid Workshop

April 14- Good Friday, no classes

April 25-26 - Room Draw

Students will receive information over the new few weeks from Residence Life regarding the Room Draw process.

May 4- Late Night Breakfast-9:30pm-Dining Hal

May 5 - Reading Day

May 6-10 - Exams

May 13 - Commencement, 8:30am

Pictures from HomeCOWming 2017


It seems like just yesterday that you were at Convocation getting pinned and officially starting your journey as students at Coker College. Can you believe your first year of college is almost complete? Finish strong and remember all the things you have accomplished this year! Good luck with the rest of the semester!


Created with images by iamrenny - "Fruit"

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