Gender Roles in Different Countries By Sheyenne Grenier

There are many different ways in which we classify women from men and the different gender roles each of them play. In Europe, men used to wear stockings, perfume and silks. In Scotland men still do wear skirts, they are called kilts. In America today most people would look upon those people and call them weird because they are dressing like the other gender and that is typically not looked upon in our society.

Women are not regularly know for playing football, that is not normally know as something that occurs often. We always think of men that are the ones who can play football but women are now starting to have their own league of football, called Ladies Football League.

In Belgium, boys are put in pink when they are born and girls are put in blue. Pink is considered masculine and strong and blue is considered feminine and dainty. Which explains why boys in Belgium wear pink and not blue.

In Southern Vietnam the E De culture is mostly female-centric. The men do not own property and things are not passed down to the boys of the family but to the girls and the women own property. Men take the women's last name and move into the home with them.

On Valentine's Day in Japan, men do not buy women flowers or chocolates. Women are the ones who buy things for men, normally get chocolates.

In different Arab countries, hand holding is very common among friends of the same gender. Men hold hands to show their friendship to each other and it is completely normal for them.

In America, we generally think that the skinnier the women is the hotter and more attractive she is. But, in a small country in West Africa, Mauritania, obese women are actually more attractive. Being obese is a sign of wealth, and being thin is a sign of poverty and sickliness.

On a group islands off the coast of Western Africa, they do something that we normally don't ever see in the United States. In the United States we always see the men making plans and doing special things when they plan to propose to a women, off the coast of Africa, women are the ones who propose to the men, and the men are not allowed to refuse.


6 Gender Stereotypes Around the World. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from

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