"I Wood, would you?" woodentoys.co.uk

So let's start with the basics. Why wooden toys?

Well, what about the magic of wooden toys...?

Wooden toys have been around since the dawn of time. In fact, according to http://www.playfulplans.com/wooden-toys, wooden toys have existed since sometime during the Stone Age (2.9 million years ago-2030 BC)

And were originally simple models of useful implements such as clubs, axes and bows as well as dolls, intended to teach children critical survival and family skills and as a secondary intention to entertain them!

Then through the 17th and 18th century, commercial production of wooden toys as we know them today began...

Articulated Wooden Toy Monkey

19th century toy model.

And with new, modern production, there's plenty to choose from too..

From educational toys such as: Wooden building blocks, shape sorting toys, puzzles and Abacus'

To moving automobile type toys that help develop cognitive function like toy cars, and larger 'ride on' varieties like trucks or bikes.

But what are the benefits of wooden toys?

  • They help to develop motor skills better than their plastic equivalents.
  • They're easy to clean
  • They better develop interactive and creative skills since they have to be 'worked with' more.
  • Long lasting and durable
  • And Bio- Degradable!

But don't just take our word for it:

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