Cells Labs | Definitions | Animal Cell

Onion Cell

Tomato Cell

Potato Cell

Cheek Cell

My Choice: Sugar

Animal Cell

Cell Labels

Nucleus: the control center of the cell

Nuclear Envelope: the double membrane with pores that surrounds the nucleus. The pores regulate the passage of proteins and rna. Water, ions, and other small molecules can pass freely through the nucleus

Nuclear Pore: this is where ribosomes and other things moved in and out the cell

Nucleolus: this makes ribosomes

Cell Membrane: this is the outer wall of a animal cell, this filters out the bad things, membrane is flexible unlike the cell wall

Cell Wall: provides protection and support for plant cells, no materials can go through these

Mitochondria: the powerhouse of the cell

Lysosome: created by the Golgi apparatus and breaks down large molecules into small parts the cell can use

Ribosome: these are organelles that synthesize proteins

Golgi Apparatus: this is the organelle in a cell responsible for sorting and shipping proteins made in the endoplasmic reticulum

Vacuole: appears only in plant cells and looks like an empty space in the center, but actually stores water, sugars, ions and pigments

Endoplasmic Reticulum: a network of membranes in the cytoplasm, there is rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Centriole: these are only in animal cells and they organize chromosomes when a cell divides

Cytoplasm: the contents in a cell other than the nucleus and this contains mostly water


Building Blocks of Life. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://askabiologist.asu.edu/content/cell-parts

Cell membrane. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell_membrane.html


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