Normal Speed: V= 0.737 m/s

Slow Speed: V= 0.542 m/s

Fast Speed: V= 1.619 m/s

Average Velocity

Boeing 747

Boeing 747

Take off speed- 180 mph // 290 km/h // 155 kts

Take off distance- 3,050m

Take off weight- 800,000 lbs. // 362,870 kg

First takeoff was February 9, 1969


First class layout: 660 passengers

Second class layout: 524 passengers

Third class layout: 524 passengers

Airbus A380

Take off speed- 150 knots

Take off weight- maximum is 560,000 kg or 1,234,600 lbs

Take off distance- 9,020 feet

First take off was April 27, 2005

Seating- 853 total passengers

Runway Blueprints

Runway Calcultions

Runway Blueprint

Security Blueprint

Security Calculation

Security Blueprint

Baggage Claim Calculation

Baggage Claim Blueprint


Created with images by Gellinger - "aircraft holiday sun"

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