Christmas in Serbia By Hannah Eilers

On January 7th Serbians celebrate Christmas. This holiday is celebrated in Serbia and also Montenegro. They celebrate Bog, also known as the infant god.
On Christmas morning in Serbia, instead of tearing into gifts, they wait for someone (usually their neighbor or young daughter) to bring Christmas into their homes.
Food choices during this holiday are delicious and tasty! Some dishes consist of pecenia, which is roast pork. Also special bread called cesnica that resembles the crown of Jesus Christ.
The youngest child in the family goes out to collect "strong" water which has said to give you special powers. Also, the families put straw or hay under they're dining tables to represent the birth place of baby Jesus. These are some of the traditions of the Serbian Christmas.
The Serbian holiday of Orthodox Christmas is almost exactly the same as the other wide spread holiday called Christmas which we celebrate. The differences lie in the celebrations taken place the day of these holidays.
"Serbia, Enchanted of the World" JoAnn Milivojevie.


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