Spark Creativity with Adobe Spark Thursday, February 16 (4:00 - 5:30 pm) @ Eagle View

Adobe Spark makes it easy for students to create 3 different types of projects.

  1. POST: Insert an image with a simple quote or title text
  2. PAGE: Build a simple web page with text, images, and multimedia content
  3. VIDEO: Create a narrated slideshow with images and video clips

Participants will explore all three options and share classroom applications.

Do your students CONSUME information?

Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information. -Albert Einstein

...or do they CREATE knowledge?

So let's think about today's students: Are they passive consumers or active creators? Learning is more than listening and parroting back to a teacher. In fact, very little content is retained in long-term memory unless students have constructed knowledge for themselves. -Rick Wormeli

With Adobe Spark, students use visual images, text, audio, and video to construct knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the content.

Join us in the Eagle View media center after school on Thursday, February 16th and learn more about Adobe Spark. Sign up on KeepCertified by clicking the button below.


Created with images by StartupStockPhotos - "children win success" • Pexels - "books feet legs" • lcr3cr - "ipad technology tablet"

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