Scott Huler Online projects

I've enjoyed working with many clients on the kind of large-scale interactive presentation pieces the web makes possible. Here are pieces I did with the Asheville Convention and Visitors Bureau, the European Research Council, the Southern Environmental Law Center, and Red Bull.

The Science Behind Fall Color

For "The Science Behind Fall Color," I interviewed scientists and cultural experts and wrote a long piece on how the color of autumn leaves works for the trees -- and the communities around them. Videos, maps, and animations support the main story.

Wanted: The Human City

For "Wanted: The Human City" for the European Research Council I interviewed scientists all over the European Union on research they were doing about the way advancing technology is enabling cities to do a better job serving people. Interviews on tape, animation, and images from various research projects support the text.

Dismantled: N.C. Environmental Protections

For "Dismantled: N.C. Environmental Protections" for the Southern Environmental Law Center, I researched and wrote stories about the five-year sustained attack against environmental protection by North Carolina's state legislature.

Endurance: Exploring Limits and Potential

For "Endurance," for Red Bull, I joined a group of extreme athletes and a team of scientists supported by Red Bull as the athletes underwent challenges in Death Valley, below sea level, and immediately afterwards repeated them at the Sierra View Observation Site, altitude approximately 10,000 feet. The Project Endurance site combined my research and stories with video of the athletes and scientists at work.

For more information about me and my work, please go to

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