
5G网络标准条约! 【中英对照翻译】

MAY 6, 2020 / 9:22 AM

2020年5月6日/ 9:22 AM

翻译/简评: 文意

PR: 海阔天空


本文作者强调了美国公司参与5G定标机构的重要性, 保持美国在5G的领先地位。威尔森女士暗示美国商务部的决定延迟了美国技术公司参与5G定标活动的时间,使得美国在5G发展方面处于劣势. 这是一个不得不做出的选择。美国不得不与华为(不可信任的跟美国有不同价值观的公司)协作去完成一个对人类的安全和经济具有重大影响的5G标准制定。我们应该问问我们自己:美国从什么时候开始无选择的要依赖与中国(一个不遵守美国和国际法律法规的国家)的合作完成一项对世界安全有着重大影响的技术指标的制定?美国是怎样把自己“逼”到这一步? 美国应该学到什么教训?在未来的时间里,美国的技术公司能否从恶梦中警醒,联合世界上有同样信仰和价值观的公司/组织来完成下一代网络技术的定标,从而保护全人类的自由和安全?

文意短评(Short Review):

The author of this article emphasizes the importance for American companies to participate in an organization that sets global 5G network standards so the U.S. can keep its competitive advantage. Ms. Wilson indicates the decision from the U.S. Department of Commerce, which delayed U.S tech companies’ participation in the 5G network standard-setting, could put the U.S. in a disadvantaged position. It sounded like the U.S. is playing a catch-up game now, and U.S had no choice but to include the untrusted party which doesn’t share the same value with the U.S. to work together on a matter that could have profound global safety and economic impact. The questions U.S should ask itself are: Since when has the United States had no choice but to work with China (who does not follow the international rule of law) on matters impacting national/global security? How did U.S put itself in this position? What lessons has US learned? And moving forward, will US Tech Companies wake up from this nightmare and establish a body with parties who share the same beliefs and values to set a global 5G standard that could protect humanity and freedom.


Exclusive: U.S. drafts rule to allow Huawei and U.S. firms to work together on 5G standards - sources

独家报道:美国起草法令允许华为和美国公司合作共同制定5G标准- 来源

(Reuters路透社) - The U.S. Department of Commerce is close to signing off on a new rule that would allow U.S. companies to work with China’s Huawei Technologies on setting standards for next generation 5G networks, people familiar with the matter said.

据知情者透露, 美国商务部已接近签署一项有关允许美国公司与华为等协作制定下一代5G网络标准的条约。

Engineers in some U.S. technology companies stopped engaging with Huawei to develop standards after the Commerce Department blacklisted the company last year. The listing left companies uncertain about what technology and information their employees could share with Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker.


That has put the United States at a disadvantage, said industry and government officials. In standards setting meetings, where protocols and technical specifications are developed that allow equipment from different companies to function together smoothly, Huawei gained a stronger voice as U.S. engineers sat back in silence.

业界权威人士和美国官员认为,这一决定使美国在5G标准制定方面处于劣势。在制定技术协议和技术指标的5G定标会上, 华为有很强的声音,而美国的工程技术人员只是静坐观察并不发声。这些技术协议和指标是为5G的设备供应商提供设备标准要求以便于设备的有效兼容。

The Commerce Department placed Huawei on its “entity list” last May, citing national security concerns. The listing restricted sales of U.S. goods and technology to the company and raised questions about how U.S. firms could participate in organizations that establish industry standards.

商务部基于威胁美国国家安全的考虑,去年5月把华为放到“对美国家安全有威胁的实体名单“上,列表限制美国商品和技术对该公司的销售, 这一举动引起了对美国公司应如何参与工业定标组织活动的质疑。

After nearly a year of uncertainty, the department has drafted a new rule to address the issue, two sources told Reuters. The rule, which could still change, essentially allows U.S. companies to participate in standards bodies where Huawei is also a member, the sources said.

路透社的两个消息来源称经过了一年的不确定性之后, 商务部决定起草新的条约来解决这个问题。 这个条约, 还会有变数,主要是允许美国公司参与定标组织, 华为也是其中一员。 消息来源称。

The draft is under final review at the Commerce Department and, if cleared, would go to other agencies for approval, the people said. It is unclear how long the full process will take or if another agency will object.

消息来源称商务部正在审阅该条约,通过后会送到其他部门审批。现在还不清楚审批的全过程需要多长时间, 或其他部门是否会否决。

“As we approach the year mark, it is very much past time that this be addressed and clarified,” said Naomi Wilson, senior director of policy for Asia at the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), which represents companies including Amazon.co Inc, Qualcomm Inc and Intel Corp.

信息技术产业理事会(ITI)亚洲政策高级总监,纳奥米·威尔森说“几乎一年后的今天是我们采取行动处理和澄清这个问题的时候了。” 她代表包括Amazon.com公司、高通公司和英特尔公司在内的公司。

The U.S. government wants U.S. companies to remain competitive with Huawei, Wilson said. “But their policies have inadvertently caused U.S. companies to lose their seat at the table to Huawei and others on the entity list.”


The rule is only expected to address Huawei, the people familiar with the matter said, not other listed entities like Chinese video surveillance firm Hikvision.

知情人士表示, 该规定只针对华为而不是中国视频监控公司海康威视等其他上市实体。

In adding Huawei to the list last May, the Commerce Department cited U.S. charges pending against the company for alleged violations of U.S. sanctions against Iran. It also noted that the indictment alleges Huawei engaged in “deceptive and obstructive acts” to evade U.S. law. Huawei has pleaded not guilty in the case.

去年5月,美国商务部将华为列入名单,并列举了美国对华为的指控,指控该公司涉嫌违反美国对伊朗的制裁。它还指出,起诉书指控华为从事"欺骗和阻挠行为",以逃避美国法律。 华为对此案表示不服罪。

A Department of Commerce spokesman declined to comment. A Huawei spokeswoman also declined to comment.


“I know that Commerce is working on that rule,” a senior State Department official told Reuters on Wednesday. “We are supportive in trying to find a solution to that conundrum.”


The White House and departments of Defense, Energy, and Treasury did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


“International standard setting is important to the development of 5G,” said another senior administration official, who also did not want to be identified. “The discussions are about balancing that consideration with America’s national security needs.”


Six U.S. senators, including China hawks Marco Rubio, James Inhofe and Tom Cotton, last month sent a letter to the U.S. secretaries of Commerce, State, Defense and Energy about the urgent need to issue regulations confirming that U.S. participation in 5G standards-setting is not restricted by the entity listing.


“We are deeply concerned about the risks to the U.S. global leadership position in 5G wireless technology as a result of this reduced participation,” the letter said.


In the telecommunications industry, 5G, or fifth-generation wireless networks, are expected to power everything from high-speed video transmissions to self-driving cars.


Industry standards also are big business for telecommunications firms. They vie to have their patented technology considered essential to the standard, which can boost a company’s bottom line by billions of dollars.


The ITIC’s Wilson said the uncertainty has led U.S.-base standards bodies to consider moving abroad, noting that the nonprofit RISC-V Foundation (pronounced risk-five) decided to move from Delaware to Switzerland a few months ago.[L2N27N1JY]


The foundation oversees promising semiconductor technology developed with Pentagon support and, as Reuters has reported, wants to ensure those outside the United States can help develop its open-source technology.


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