How My World Stopped What ended it all

I'm sorry,this is going to be really sad and depressing so feel free to just skip this one if you can't handle it. It was a really hard day for the whole town of Verona.Tragedy has struck us one again because of this damn feud. But you all must be very confused, so let me explain.Juliet had come home from the Friar's again and said that she would agree to marry Paris.Her father was thrilled and seemed to have his mood get brighter almost instantaneously. At the time it sounded great and there was to be a celebration the next day along with the wedding. We went off to her room,while her father went to inform Paris.Originally she had asked me to come to her room and help her find something to wear. It's such a shame what happened,you know? We picked out this beautiful dress and her hair was to be stunning.This is what she was supposed to wear...

Well, I had left the room to let her be by herself and have a good sleep before her marriage,you see. The next morning i went to wake her up to get her dressed and ready for her big day. But when i got there I thought she was just asleep but I soon discovered that in fact she was dead! It was a horrible tragedy, especially being her wedding day. The entire family was devastated Paris included. Lord and Lady Capulet would not stop crying,Paris just stood there in shock, and the serving staff, well they just didn't know what to do. I left the room. I had to get out and get away. I went and sat down in my room. It was horrible but I couldn't focus on that alone. I got up and got myself together and went to help the family prepare for what was to come.


Created with images by tinanwang - "Coffin" • Sean MacEntee - "wedding dress"

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