Walter Rauschenbusch Jordyn Martin, Gracie Hanson, Kristen Russell

He was born in Rochester, New York in October 04, 1861
Walter's background in faith was that his father was a Baptist.
Walter was against militarism

he was against militarism because he love Germany and was deeply troubled by the outbreak of World War I. As patriotism swept the U.S. and all things German became repulsive, Rauschenbusch's popularity declined, and even more when, after the war, liberalism came under attack by neo-orthodox thinkers like Karl Barth and Reinhold Niebuhr.

Though subsequent historical events showed Rauschenbusch to be overly optimistic, he still towers above other advocates of the social gospel. "His writings," said Martin Luther King, Jr., "left an indelible imprint on my thinking," and his understanding of the kingdom of God continues to appeal to those who want to combine evangelical passion with social justice.

he wrote many books and went to speak at places
you don't have to be a Christian on order to take role in this issue, anyone should and could take role in social justice reform



Created with images by silicon640c - "Rochester" • geralt - "cross sunset sunrise" • - "Marching alongside the fence to RAF Waddington" • Wonderlane - "stack of books, Ballard, Seattle, Washington" • xegxef - "light lamp electricity" • edans - "Hashtag gigante"

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